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Article from the pastor, May 1, 2022 issue.

Article by Prof. Dr. Wattana Promkot

Senior Pastor of Khon Kaen Church

Khon Kaen Church welcomes all brothers and sisters. You go to worship in every around with joy in the Lord Jesus Christ In the month of promoting gospel evangelism, especially evangelism with Thai arts and culture, it is mainly to allow the Lord's gospel to participate in the Thai Christian lifestyle. What is the gospel for every Christian? People have the necessity of sharing the good news, and how to explain it is still not fully understood. It is important to study and have direct experience with the gospel for yourself. The central principle of the gospel of good hope begins with a loving, merciful, holy Lord who wishes to manifest himself to sinners from all iniquity and into a new life. eternal life in him

“Jesus said to him, “We are that way. It's true and it's life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” John 14:6

He is the way of truth. The only way of salvation from sin Only by trusting in Him we will surely receive the promised eternal life.

“That if you will accept with your mouth, Jesus is Lord and believe in the mind that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” Romans 10:9

And there is also a passage that teaches us that

“So he said to the disciples, “Go ye all over the world. preach the gospel to all men.” Mark 16:15

Every Christian People need to take a serious interest in evangelizing for a variety of reasons, including:

(1) The Word of God commands us to preach.

We must obey and act accordingly. Those who obey and obey the Word will find only blessings and good things in life.

“But you will be bestowed with power. when the Holy Spirit will come upon you and you will be witnesses to me in Jerusalem. throughout Judea Samaria and to the ends of the earth." Acts 1:8

This is a part of the Scriptures that encourages us to preach His gospel with care.

(2) God created and put burden on everyone's life.

in being a publisher, whether directly or indirectly "His gift is to make someone an apostle Some were prophets. Some were evangelizers. some are pastors and teachers.” Ephesians 4:11 And another passage teaches us this: “Because of my preaching the gospel I have no reason to boast. because it was necessary for me to preach the gospel If I do not announce Woe to me.” 1 Corinthians 9:16 Those who love God will earnestly preach the gospel.

(3) The gospel gives life hope and can change people's lives.

“For I am not ashamed of the gospel. for the gospel is the power of God. so that everyone who believes may be saved, first the Jews, then also the Gentiles.” Romans 1:16 Paul had firsthand experience in this matter. He taught Christians to be zealous in evangelism. Through the power of the Word and the power of the Holy Spirit, the Word transforms despair into hope in God. “Those who are about to perish see the matter of the cross as a foolish thing. but those of us who are being saved see it as the power of God.” 1 Corinthians 1:18 The gospel can change lives. “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ that person is a new creation. All things that are old have passed away. behold, all things have become new.” 2 Corinthians 5:17 and “Truly I tell you, if anyone listens to my word and trusts in him who sent me that person has eternal life. and not be judged but has passed from death to life.” John 5:24

(4) The gospel gives people the hope of life at the triumph over death.

He who believes will be raised again. “The gospel of the kingdom of God will be announced all over the world to be a witness to the nations and the end will come.” Matthew 24:14 He who trusts in Him will surely pass judgment and enter eternal life in His kingdom of heaven. “Because God loves the world. until he gave his only begotten Son so that whoever believes in the Son will not perish. but has eternal life.” John 3:16 We are certainly well acquainted with this verse. There are many dimensions and reasons that teach His people to focus on evangelizing. Those who obey receive many blessings and blessings.

He anointed every Christian Whether directly or indirectly, people are missionaries in evangelization. The gospel changed the way people lived. The gospel leads people to eternal life in His heavenly kingdom. Let's come together to preach the gospel in a variety of tactics and forms, both directly and indirectly. See you again next week.


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