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Article from the pastor, issue of May 15, 2022

Article by Prof. Dr. Wathana Prhomkotara

Senior Pastor of Khon Kaen Church

Khon Kaen Church welcomes all brothers and sisters. You go to worship in every all around, rejoicing in the Lord, rejoicing in him in all This week I would like to bring brothers and sisters to learn about values. The Role of the Church or the Lord's Body in His Discipleship This is a good mission, of great importance to the souls lost in this world and of urgency. Certainly, the Lord's Great Commission always resonates in the lives of His disciples:

“18 Jesus came near and said to him, “All the power in heaven is good. In the earth is good has been given to us. 19 Therefore go out and teach all nations. to be our disciples to be baptized in the name of the Father The Son and the Holy Spirit 20 Teach him to obey all that I have commanded you. This is where I will always be with you. until the end of the age.” Matthew 28:18-20

We, His stewards, must be faithful and obedient to His Great Commission with great reverence for Him. And Paul reminded his church that

“1 Let everyone regard us as servants of Christ. and guardian of the mysteries of God 2 Those guardians must be all trustworthy.” 1 Corinthians 4:1-2

We are the sons and daughters of the Lord, who are His servants, universally or evenly, ordained, anointing everyone to be stewards or stewardess in the depths of His gospel. and He wants to see every People are the people He trusts in each and every one of our lives. Discipleship is something that we must learn and develop in our service to become more and more disciples.

(1) We must carry out both His missions, the proactive mission and the passive mission, go hand in hand with the correct and appropriate combination.

The church must go out to witness the people come to the Lord Christ. He taught us in this memorable story that he left 99 well-safe sheep and sought only one lost. which would indicate that the search Going out in missions proactively and reactively is imperative and urgent. Paul said

“15 Therefore I strive to preach the gospel to all of you who are also in Rome. 16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel. for the gospel is the power of God. so that all who believed may be saved, first the Jews, then also the Gentiles. 17 For in the gospel God's righteousness was revealed. In the beginning, it was belief finally believe As the Bible has written: The righteous will live by faith.” Romans 1:15-17

Mission outings begin today. seize every opportunity The opportunities that exist in our lives start simply from those who are nearby. We, who have not yet met Christ, are gradually expanding. by the power of the Spirit

“But you will be bestowed with power. when the Holy Spirit will come upon you and you will be witnesses to me in Jerusalem. throughout Judea Samaria and to the ends of the earth." Acts 1:8

(2) We must manifest His love for people and all people in this world equally

There are no conditions, no choice of language, skin color of any race. No matter who you are, gender, or age does not interfere with this mission. True love is action, not just words.

“13 For he who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. 14 But those who do not believe in him How can I make a request to him? and those who have not heard of him how to believe in him and when no one announced to them how will they hear of You? 15 And if no one sends him How is he going to preach? As it is written in the Bible, How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news.” Romans 10:13-15

Paul encouraged us, saying,

“This word is true and deserves to be accepted by all. is that Jesus Christ has come into the world to save sinners and among the sinners I am the lead.” 1 Timothy 1:15

His love is a valuable tool that has the power to penetrate the hearts of sinners to convert to Christ.

“If you love one another Thus all people will know that you are my disciples.” John 13:35

(3) We must preach every people by the word of the Lord

Teach with an exemplary life Teach with the power of the Holy Spirit It is not teaching, but knowledge is only in the head or mind. and teach people to receive life changes from the inside out of our lives. The truth of the word, the truth, who is the Lord Jesus Christ? What are you doing on earth? Etc. Teaching in the Word Learning the Word is a continuous process throughout our lives. both learn directly indirectly through appropriate tactical processes, resulting in a new life change in the Lord.

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ that person is a new creation. All things that are old have passed away. behold, all things have become new.” 2 Corinthians 5:17

We must encourage one another to draw close to God. By having a love and concern for the people lost in this world, which is the plan and will of the Lord surely teach to the people of this world.

let us all People respond to this Great Commission with care and earnestness. The people in the body of Christ have to work together with different hands. Each person may take on different responsibilities depending on the gifts we have, but we will move this mission forward together. Such a mission is difficult, with enemies and obstacles.

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