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Article from the pastor, issue of April 17, 2022

Article from the pastor of Khon Kaen Church, Prof. Dr. Wattana Promkot

Happy Easter 2022

It is a day to celebrate the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. We have remembered the Lord Christ's victory over death in every round of worship and at 5 a.m., a total of exactly 6 rounds in our church. Praise the Lord, may the blessings of all brothers and sisters You will receive the blessing of peace. full life A life of victory and hope in Him grants us all to us all. Weakness, defeat, despair and despair are replaced by the grace of Christ. Indeed, the matter of His death and His resurrection He himself has clearly taught His disciples to know, for example:

“21 Since that time Jesus began to reveal to his disciples: He must go to Jerusalem. and will suffer many things from the elders. and the high priests and the scribes until he was executed but on the third day he will be raised again. 22 Peter held his hand in protest, saying, “Lord, let the incident that is far from him Let it not be that way to him.” 23 Then he turned his face and said to Peter, “Oh Satan, go away. You are our obstacle. because you think like a man not thinking like a god.” 24Then Jesus said to his disciples, “If anyone wishes to come after me, let him deny himself. and take up his cross and follow me 25 For whoever wishes to save his life that person will die but who will die for my sake? that person will be saved 26 For if anyone gains the whole world but loses his life What benefit will that person have? or what will he bring in exchange for his life? 27 For when the Son of Man comes in the glory of the Father and with his angels then will reward every man according to his deeds. 28 I tell you the truth, among you standing here There are some who do not know the taste of death. until he sees the Son of Man coming with his power.” Matthew 16:21-28

and in many other dharmas It was said as well, “Because God loves the world. until he gave his only begotten Son so that whoever believes in the Son will not perish. but has eternal life.” John 3:16 and John 1:1-14 (learn more).

(1) the declaration of the living God

supreme power The resurrection had clear evidence. scientifically apparent jurisprudence The logic, etc., is the kind that the believer will surely rise from the dead according to Him.

“13 For we have the same heart of faith as the one who wrote it, I believe therefore I say we believe too therefore we say 14 We know that he who raised the Lord Jesus will raise us up through Jesus and will bring us in with you 15 For all things are for your benefit. so that when grace comes to more and more people There will be more thanks. to the glory of God.” 2 Corinthians 4:13-15

(2) The resurrection of the Lord Christ brings a new life change to many people.

changing lifestyle apprehension various fears replaced by courage

“4 For thus saith the Lord, “Concerning the eunuchs who keep our sabbaths who chooses what pleases me and hold on to our covenant 5 Within my house and within my walls We will give them monuments and names. better than sons and daughters I will give them an everlasting name. which will not cut off at all 6“And all the foreigners who consecrated the Lord Serve Him and Love the Name of God and be his servant All the Sabbath Keepers and did not disdain and hold on to our covenant 7 These I will bring to my holy mountain. and made them rejoice in my house of prayer. his burnt offerings and his sacrifices will be favored on my altar. for my house will be called a house of prayer. for all peoples.” Isaiah 56:4-7

The Lord ordered His people to keep the Sabbath day according to the Old Testament. The Sabbath day from Friday to Saturday evening was replaced with the beginning of the week, that is, Sunday, to commemorate being. rose from the death of the Lord Christ himself. This is part of the change that is seen to be concrete.

(3) The resurrection of the Lord Christ leads his disciples to devote his gospel preaching.

The seriousness and vital weapon or tool of the gospel is the love of the Lord Christ. As it appeared when he preached to Simon Peter in part:

“He said to him a third time, “Simon son of John Do you love me?” Peter was distressed as he asked him the third time, “Do you love me?” So he said to him, "Lord He knows everything He knows that I love you.” Jesus said to him, “Feed my sheep.” John 21:17

The remembrance of the resurrection of the Lord Christ is thus arousing the greater spread of His gospel everywhere on earth.

I wish all brothers and sisters You have enjoyed and experienced the many blessings of Easter. universally Happy Easter 2022, see you next week.

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