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      You can now welcome Jesus. Do you remember what he said? “We stood at the door knocking. if anyone hears my voice and opens the door I will go in to him.”15 Would you like to respond to His invitation? We'll tell you what you should do.

the words you use In giving your life to God is not important. He knows the desires within your heart. If you're not quite sure how to pray. This prayer may help you to speak in your own words. The prayers are as follows:


     “Lord Jesus I want to know him I want Him to come into my life. Thank you for dying on the cross for my sins. so that I may be fully accepted by You. Only He can give me the power to change and make me the person He created me to be. Thank you for the forgiveness of my sins. and give me eternal life with God. I surrender my life to You. Act on my life as you will, Amen.”


     If you had invited Jesus into your life just a moment ago, He has entered your life. as he promised You have started a personal relationship with God.

What will follow after this is The journey of life is full of change and growth as you get to know God better through Bible reading, prayer, and socializing with other Christians.

If we now know that God exists The next question is So what does God have to do with our lives?

     The Bible tells us that God created man. God created man in His image. 

(Genesis 1:26-27)  God created man from the dust of the ground. and give him breath Human beings, therefore, are not like other things : they have flesh (body) and non-flesh (spirit) parts.  (Genesis 2:7)

     God created the Garden of Eden for the first human couple to live. and there man draws close to God. talked to him every day God made the law that every fruit can be eaten by man. but do not eat the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. because if you eat, you will die  (Genesis 2:17)   God has given man the freedom to make decisions. Give you the freedom to do anything.


     Ultimately, humans choose to disobey God. Go eat the fruit that God has forbidden. This disobedience to God is what we call sin. As a result, all human beings will die, but it is a spiritual death. is to be cut off from God. therefore man was driven out of the Garden of Eden. and everyone who is born will be followed by sin. All human beings are sinners. It can be seen from the little children who are born, no one is taught to lie. Teach them to steal things from others. teach disobedience But those kids can do bad things on their own. That is because there is a sin inherent from birth.

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